CREA Registration: 0803781-SP
Brazil Ministry of Labour issued in 2010 a new safety regulation that defines obligations for the manufacturer, importer and employer of new and existing machines. This is diferent from CE or OSHAS certification.
PEAG is a Brazilian company pioneer in NR12 advisory of foreign manufactures. Our legal and engineering team are ready to assist you in any adaptation needed while designing, assemblying and trying out in manufacturer, or during installation, try out, inspection and certification in Brazil.
Our company and engineers are registered in CREA (Brazilian Council of Engineering), and have been of assistance and advisory to many foreing companies, and knowing the emergency involved in many of these processes, we keep a standby team avaible to readily deploy in site when needed.
We will gladly support your project with risk analisys, validation, technical translation and any other advisory needed when deliverying to Brazil.